Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Project Abstract.

I've been working for a week or so on putting a finer point on the academic side of my thesis project, including a new title and accompanying written description. I'll be presenting the project at the Academy of Art in San Francisco in November and am beginning to line up Oakland churches that are interested in displaying the finished pieces in an informal gallery setting.

Being "on point" academically will be critically. Modern American academics tend not to trust Christianity and to not understand the language of religion that we take for granted. A big motivation for me is to present the Christian church as I see it, good people serving the surrounding community with heart, soul, and mind. Thanks for reading, please feel free to refer potential subjects to me.

In the meantime, here is the newly re-written abstract:

4b. Abstract

“The Faith; The Modern Face of Christianity in Today’s City” is a series of portraits of influential Christians in Oakland, CA. My photos, shot on location throughout the city, are intended to provide a visual for today’s church, by portraying church leaders; faith-driven community workers; Christian artists, writers, and musicians; and people motivated by faith to improve our East Bay community.

I am an Oakland-based commercial photographer and MFA student at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. This series is my masters thesis, which will be presented in San Francisco in November, 2010, and shared with churches in Oakland. Having served the church as a missionary in South America for a number of years, I have a deep interest in our portrayal to both congregants and the secular community. This project is both an exploration of my Oakland home and a tribute to my Christian faith.

“The Faith; The Modern Face of Christianity in Today’s City” can be followed online on a dedicated blog:

And my commercial work can be seen on my Webpage:

Matt Beardsley

Friday, August 20, 2010

Father Tom Zaferes, of Oakland's Greek Orthodox Ascension Catheral

Father Tom Zaferes,
The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension, Oakland, CA

I really enjoyed meeting Father Tom this morning in his office high above Oakland. It's a beautiful spot. The church is a significant presence in Oakland. Father Tom has only recently taken on the ministry, as an experienced and scholarly leader for the congregation. He provided valuable insight for my ongoing exploration of the East Bay church and its interaction with the secular community.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rudy de Vos, Music Director at Christ Our Light Cathedral

Rudy de Vos, Music Director at Christ Our Light Cathedral, Oakland CA.

Rudy is relatively new to his position, and poised to become an influential force in Oakland. His ambitions for the city include a choir school open to all students and free concerts in the Cathedral. It is a master at the organ and is taking to his new role with enthusiasm. Says Rudy:

"Beauty is for everyone, regardless of social standing or level of education. I always remind myself of the quote of the composer Franz Liszt: 'The artist should not step upon the platform as the accused would appear before his judges, but as a true witness of beauty.'"