Thursday, December 18, 2008

Albert Lee, Oakland Pastor/Taekwondo Master

Earlier this week, I was invited to photograph a taekwondo test on East 15th Street in downtown Oakland.  I arrived to a warmly-lit gym with a blue padded floor covered with a grid of kids powering through kicks and punches, dressed in white uniforms and white, yellow, green, blue, and purple belts.  I watched as the class lined up to spar, demonstrate routines, and hammer wood boards with their feet.  It was pretty cool.

What drew me to the event, though, wasn't the anxious promotion trials, or even the bold motivational speech of a real Taekwondo Grand Master, but the class's teacher, Albert Lee.  Albert is a firm and compassionate leader, who motivates the kids in his program to powerful finesse.  He's also the pastor of Oakland's Re:Generation Church, a hip congregation with a unique ministry.

I look forward to sharing more words and photos from Pastor Albert and his church in the months to come....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ron Nuñez, The Urban Church

Ron is a hardcore church planter working in the intimidating setting of urban East Oakland.  He's made an awesome effort to bring faith to the streets.  We had a fun photoshoot along the train tracks near his original church plant.

Q)  What verse of scripture does Oakland most need to hear?

RN)  "Jeremiah 29:11, 'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.'"

Q)  What sings of hope do you see happening in Oakland?

RN)  "From a political point of view, it seems that the city of Oakland is trying to engage more in after school programs, moms clubs, as well as health classes.  However, it does appear that finances are a challenge.

From a Christian world view, I think there is a lot to be hopeful for.  God is concerned with our great cities and especially the ones with high crime.  God is for social justice ministry.  He just needs to right people to lead.  So our church feels very hopeful, people respond to the Gospel and there seems to be a hunger for a change."

Q)  How is God at work in Oakland?

RN)  "I think that he is at work especially in the quiet places of people's hearts.  I can speak for many members of our church who, due to efforts to expand God's kingdom, have overcome drug problems.  Many of them would tell us that God was at work in them long before we arrived, they just needed some leadership to get proactive about their recovery.  So I think that this is the best way that God is working in people's hearts, and when Christian leadership comes into their lives, it seems that they are ready because God has already been stirring the waters."

Ron told me his favorite passage from the Bible is Psalm 1:

"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.

In all that he does, he prospers.

The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;

for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

David Nyquist in front of the house in Oakland where his new home church meets every Sunday.  David is also a Christian counselor with In The Potter's Hands and expecting a new baby any day.

Q: What is your favorite verse of scripture?

DN: "I love Hebrews 11. 'Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.'  Another portion of scripture reveals that 'faith is the only way we can please God.'  There are so many things in my heart to accomplish in this life, and it is only by faith that any of them will have any real value to God.  Faith is when I determine that what God says matters more than my problems, challenges, doubts, fears, or my own understanding, and I respond to what he says with action."

Q: What verse of scripture does your community most need to hear?

DN: "Romans 8 pronounces our total freedom in Christ, not based on our own works or personal righteousness, but on Jesus having eliminated our deserved punishment forever and given us access to experience the glories of heaven from now unto eternity.  Without a deep acceptance of the grace of God for our own lives, we never truly know His love for us, and could waste our days in fear and punishment that comes from the law.  Acceptance of grace is foundational for living the life Jesus calls us to live."

Q: What signs of hope are occurring in Oakland?

DN: "We celebrate what God is doing - big and small.  There's plenty of bad stuff that could get our attention if we let it, but God is bigger than all of that.  People are getting saved, healed and delivered - which is what Jesus told us would happen as the Kingdom of heaven goes forth.  There is transformation on many levels of society.  It is small but it will continue to grow."

Q: How is God at work in Oakland?

DN: "God has given me faith that we will see people miraculously healed of sickness and disease.  I also believe that God is at work restoring His church to its original format.  You will begin to see the emergence of a Kingdom culture within the larger church community in Oakland.  I'd define this as relationships based on honor, a respect of true authority, a lifestyle of faith for the impossible, and the emergence of leadership that will empower their communities to pursue the dreams of their hearts."

Friday, November 7, 2008

Randy Roth, The Faith Network of the East Bay

Last week, I had a chance to spend an early morning with Mr. Randy Roth, president of the Faith Network of the East Bay.  A former pastor, Mr. Roth has now turned his attention to the partnering of church groups, schools, and communities.  From the Faith Network Website:

"Through its Urban School Adoption program Faith Network, in response to needs expressed by school principals and teachers, provides tutors, mentors, classroom assistants, library helpers, teachers appreciation events, family support, summer camp for city kids and more.

Faith Network offers a significant example of a local faith-based organization willing to tackle a community issue and seems to be doing so with great effect.

Also from the Faith Network Website:  "As people of faith we are called by God to pray and work for the SHALOM of the city -- its health, welfare and prosperity (Jeremiah 29:7).  Mr. Roth says, "In June 2001, I got out of the boat, i.e., the familiar role of local church pastor, and waded into the uncharted waters of collaborative ministry to urban public schools."

For further reading from Faith Network and Randy Roth, Here is a Link to an article he's written describing his call to ministry.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunrise Mass, St. Elizabeth

Early morning might be the only time Fruitvale is quiet.  A few people gather at the building that serves as the center of Hispanic Catholicism in the San Francisco Bay Area for prayer.  In a small chapel, the waxy warmth from hundreds of candles fogs the front of my camera.  These are a few photos from the experience.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Portrait, Rev. Chandler Stokes, First Presbyterian

Images from a portrait session with Pastor Chandler Stokes of First Presbyterian Church, Full profile coming soon!

Profile, Rev. Jim Hopkins, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church

This is the profile of mighty preacher, the Rev. Jim Hopkins of Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church.  During our photo shoot on the busy sidewalk in front of the church building, I asked Rev. Hopkins to do a little preaching for an action shot.  He did, with one hand holding a Bible and the other raised toward heaven.  This man embodies the words of Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..."
Q: What is your favorite verse of scripture?

JH:  "Jeremiah 29:7, 'Seek the peace of the city you are in, for in its peace you will find your peace.'"

Q: What verse of scripture does your community most need to hear?

JH:  "'No more of this.'  Jesus in response to one of his friend's using a sword while Jesus was being arrested (Luke 22:47-53).  I think Jesus is speaking to the use of violence in general."

Q: What signs of hope are occurring in your community?

JH:  "People are recognizing that if we can pay for an unnecessary foreign war, we can pay for health care for everyone who needs it."

Q: How is God at work in your community?

JH:  "God is at work to remind us that in Oakland, in this city where the people of the world come together, we have an opportunity to 'Do justice, live kindness, and walk humbly.'"

Thank you to Rev. Hopkins of Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church for participating in Oakland Christian Community.  Please e-mail Matt with story or photo suggestions or to recommend a Christian Leader for my profile series.

Profile, Pastor Lewis Ruff, All Nations Presbyterian Church

This is the first of many profiles of leaders among Oakland's Christian Community.  The man, Lewis Ruff, has years of dedication to the ministry of church planting and is currently serving with the congregation of All Nations Presbyterian Church on Grand Avenue.
Q: What is your favorite verse of scripture?

LR: "I don't have a favorite verse but one that comes close in Romans 8:28: 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.'  This gives me joy because it tells me that, a) God chose me, and, b) He will not allow anything to come into my life by accident.  Everything I go through is somehow from Him and will be used to make me more like Him.  That was such a comfort especially when our oldest son was accidentally shot through the head and not only survived, but miraculously sustained minor lasting damage.  God is good."

Q: What verse of scripture does your community most need to hear?

LR: "These verses from Psalm 18 form the heart of what I want people in my congregation to believe and to live:

16  He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
he drew me out of deep waters.

19  He brought me out into a spacious place;
he rescued me because he delighted in me.

28  You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning;
my God turns my darkness into light.

29  With your help I can advance against a troop;
with my God I can scale a wall.

These verses tell us that God cares about the challenges we humans face in our daily living, that we have life because He loves us (delights in us) and that He reaches down from heaven to touch us with grace and that this makes all the difference in our human experience.  Darkness in our lives becomes light.  Seemingly overwhelming obstacles (a troop or a wall) can be overcome with God's power at work in us."

Q: What signs of hope are occurring in your community?

LR:  "People are not sitting idly by while homicides plague our existence.  Churches are rallying together to march and to call on City Hall and to pray.  Citizens are willing to pay higher taxes to fund solutions.  I am also hopeful as I see the growing color-blindness and acceptance of all people of our younger generations."

Q: How is God at work in your community?

LR:  "I see members willing to give up time and money to feed the homeless and tutor public school children.  I see two of our attenders going to the site of every Oakland homicide and nailing up a small metal plaque to let the world know that a life was taken there and that life is precious and remembered.  I see a woman of Jewish heritage joyously converted to faith in Jesus as her Messiah on Easter Sunday.  I see a male prostitute overwhelmed with hopelessness because of decades of child abuse believe that God could love him and put his trust in Jesus and become a student of the Bible.  I see ordinary people sinning less and loving God and people more than they did a year ago.  I see my own heart changed and my practices shaped in new ways by the love and power of God."

A special thanks to Pastor Lewis Ruff of All Nations Presbyterian Church for his willingness to be the first Christian leader profiled on Oakland Christian Community.  If you are interested in participating or have a Christian leader to suggest, please send me an e-mail.  Blessings, Matt

New Forum for Oakland's Christian Church

This new blog is dedicated to the community, encouragement, and growth of the Christian church of Oakland CA.  This is a town with hundreds of great churches standing on the front lines of the Christian mission.  It's my hope that people might find this an online place to read stories, see photos, and meet other people involved in the ministry.  As a masters student in documentary photography, and a former missionary to South America, I am hoping to create an effective outlet for uplifting stories and photos from this awesome East Bay town.  Send me an e-mail if you have a story or portrait suggestion or would be interested in contributing.  Many blessings,  Matt Beardsley